Chandigarh Florist 

Chandigarh florist is your own online florist, delivers exotic fresh flowers arrangement and surprise gift across Chandigarh. The leading online florist at Chandigarh. We provide our services for every occasion whether it is Birthday, Mother’s Day, Valentine’s Day, New Year, Raksha Bandhan or X-mas. You can trust us for our consistent and high quality flowers, gifts and our instant door step delivery to the recipients.

We offer a wide range of gift products including beautiful Flowers, Fresh Cakes, Chocolate, Soft toys, Fresh Fruit Baskets, Dry fruits and Gift Hampers. Customers can visit our best sellers page for attractive fresh gift items and innovative floral gift ideas. We use handpicked, Standardized quality flowers.



Customer satisfaction in Chandigarh florist is the only way to success. For the best taste in our products and better service of our customers, our team is always there. This is our endeavor that whenever you order flowers online from home, we will work according to your expectations. We always try to give our customers the best service they have never experienced before. Our endeavor is to provide fresh flower delivery services to any place in Chandigarh and to reach your loved ones.


The Chandigarh Florist tries to expand its series of showrooms in every city so that the Chandigarh florist can reach the best service of its flowers not only in Punjab but in every city of India.

CF About Us

Chandigarh Florist, one of the leading flower delivery company in Punjab, we are the Chandigarh’s huge chain of retail flower & cake shops and an online flower store providing every solution for everybody’s floral needs whether it be :

  • Book and send flowers online for any occasion
  • Book Floral Decor for parties / events / weddings online
  • Fresh Flowers Delivery across India and for office / corporate 
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